1, the use of Taiwan oil-proof wire: the wire is mainly dedicated to the CNC machine tool industry oil resistance, the wire sees oil for a long time soaking will not harden, broken skin, perennial use of the machine tool performance is good, low clap rate, enhance the service life of the machine tool line.
2, using Taiwan punching cylinder: the punching force of the punching cylinder can reach 4.5 tons, three times the strength of the ordinary punching cylinder, which can improve the tool change speed and stability of the machine tool.
3, the use of Taiwan double filter: the filter has automatic drainage function, and secondary filtration function, can give the machine tool gas path of water for secondary purification, and can enhance the machine pressure function, reduce the machine tool gas path failure.
4, the main accessories of the company's machine tool power distribution electrical appliances with Ningxia Mazak accessories standard (the same supplier), the handwheel using the original Japanese Tozawa brand, the oil pump using Danmai Grundfos, Saiyang oil panel, other small accessories are used national standard accessories, enhance the durability of the machine tool.
Product Description